-Mary Reynolds, M.S. Educational Psychology, Counseling & Development
What you think matters!
-Mary Reynolds, M.S. Educational Psychology, Counseling & Development
What you think matters!
-Mary Reynolds, M.S. Educational Psychology, Counseling & Development
What is energetics?
Energetics is the frequency of our inner state that can be seen, felt, heard and sensed by others as our attitudes, vibes and tone.
Simply put: You can’t have an attitude and keep it a secret!
What is energetics?
Energetics is the frequency of our inner state that can be seen, felt, heard and sensed by others as our attitudes, vibes and tone.
Simply put: You can’t have an attitude and keep it a secret!
What does energetics do?
Energetics influences the outcome of every interaction you have. It is your cornerstone tool that can alter the invisible, yet scientifically measurable vibrational language of beliefs, opinions, biases, judgments and limiting expectations in the middle of every emotionally charged conversation.
You have the power to influence outcomes even when others are negatively vibing you.
What does energetics do?
Energetics influences the outcome of every interaction you have. It is your cornerstone tool that can alter the invisible, yet scientifically measurable vibrational language of beliefs, opinions, biases, judgments and limiting expectations in the middle of every emotionally charged conversation.
You have the power to influence outcomes even when others are negatively vibing you.
How does TE System work?
Rather than diving directly into problem-solving kids’ unskillful, unproductive behaviors, Teaching ENERGETIC’s field-tested 3-Part System helps caregivers first dial back their own invisible, yet palpable energies of anger, fear, disgust and/or judgmental attitudes vibes and tones about the appearance of whatever problematic behavior has just happened to all those involved.
How does the Teaching Energetics System work?
Rather than diving directly into problem-solving kids’ unskillful, unproductive behaviors, Teaching ENERGETIC’s field-tested 3-Part System helps caregivers first dial back their own invisible, yet palpable energies of anger, fear, disgust and/or judgmental attitudes vibes and tones about the appearance of whatever problematic behavior has just happened to all those involved.
Influential Moments
Adult energy is the cornerstone for what happens next; quantum physics of interconnectedness observes that co-mingling energy is real, it’s measurable and it’s happening continuously.
If we want long-term solutions to reach and teach unskillful students how to be self-managing and skillfully self-advocating, we must …
Influential Moments
Adult energy is the cornerstone for what happens next; quantum physics of interconnectedness observes that co-mingling energy is real, it’s measurable and it’s happening continuously.
If we want long-term solutions to reach and teach unskillful students how to be self-managing and skillfully self-advocating, we must …
Dial hot energy down!
Teaching Energetics System illustrates just one scientifically-based thinking technique, showing how quickly anyone can deliberately and intentionally dial down big, energetically charged reactions, generating the big vibes felt by students, which will directly contribute to even bigger, energy depleting events.
Dial hot energy down!
Teaching Energetics System illustrates just one scientifically-based thinking technique, showing how quickly anyone can deliberately and intentionally dial down big, energetically charged reactions, generating the big vibes felt by students, which will directly contribute to even bigger, energy depleting events.
You have the power!
Scientifically speaking, your energy always has the potential to positively or negatively impact anyone standing next or near to you in the moment. Once your energy is neutralized it also neutralizes those around you. Now, you can reach and teach kids how to speak their thoughts about what’s hurting them, while others learn from your example.
You have the power!
Scientifically speaking, your energy always has the potential to positively or negatively impact anyone standing next or near to you in the moment. Once your energy is neutralized it also neutralizes those around you. Now, you can reach and teach kids how to speak their thoughts about what’s hurting them, while others learn from your example.
Turn around big, scary, emotionally charged, problematic behaviors in 30 seconds or less …
Change your vibe ...
... see your students thrive!
… see your
students thrive!
Teaching Energetics System gives teachers anywhere,
on any budget, the power to transform their classrooms.